Monday, March 26, 2007

Red and Blue Beetle Art Exhibition

The College of New Caledonia (Nechako) and Arts Unlimited are hosting a juried exhibition that explores the theme of the Mountain Pine Beetle. Artists, writers and composers in the central interior are invited to make a submission of up to three of their works in any medium of their choice. "Red and Blue" refers to the red of the trees and the blue of the stained wood.

The spread of the mountain pine beetle throughout Northern BC and into Alberta is having a huge impact on the landscape, the environment, the economy and on individuals whose lives are inextricably linked to the forestry industry. Passions run high on the subject. But whether you view the effect of the beetle as a transitory natural cycle of life that will recover if left to its own devices, and are enjoying the colors it is producing in our forests, or whether you have been overwhelmed by it, emotionally or financially, the College of New Caledonia and Arts Unlimited want to capture these diverse responses in this unique exhibition of themed artwork.