Monday, August 27, 2007

Circumfusion 38 - at the edge of the woods

Circumfusion 38 - at the edge of the woods
Jane Anderlini
Acrylic on Canvas
Prince George

Circumfusion 38 – at the edge of the woods
Was created by applying blue paint to the trunk
of the beetle kill tree described in the poem above,
then moving the blue and red painted canvas
over the wet, peeling bark of the trunk.

at the edge of the woods
Jane Anderlini

the edge
of the woods

tall and green
it waved in the breeze
at the edge of the woods
where the lawn meets the trees

taller than most
but one of so many there
it hadn’t stood out
until needles turned red and the trunk became bare

growing up beside us
while children, too, grew through the years
from infants to toddlers to teens to adults
it was there through our fun and our laughter and even our tears

weathering the storms
on those chilled winter days
and the parched night air of some thirty Julys
always there, we could see it, through the early dawn’s haze

always there in the shadows of night
when the sun slipped away and we rested in bed
but soon only a stump will be there to tell
of the tree that towered green among the living and now is just blue and red

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