What impressions are you left with about the pine beetle epidemic after seeing the artists’ work on the topic?
It’s amazing artwork
not just a work of art, it reaches far beyond this
Altogether the show created a huge impact- intellectually and emotionally, thank you
Thank you!
Art teaches
I like how art can make people think about important issues from a new perspective and we can learn visually
Also art can show hope as well as reflecting the destructiveness sometimes seen in nature
a true depiction of what has or is happening as a result of the pine beetle epidemic
The enormous impact this epidemic has affected our forests and also how such beautiful art can come from it
people have embraced this and are making and creating awareness out of “Mother Nature”
There are many people working against the pine beetle and showing this problem to
the public
Interesting and variety
It was very interesting & enlightening to see the impact & impression the mountain pine beetle has made & artistic impressions of this
very interesting
It is very comprehensive and interesting
The sheer variety of the work and the inventive creativity
wide range of media used with a wonderful understanding of the impact of the issue
Interesting the many ways this topic can be dealt with
changed our landscape
That it is devastating our forests.
of how far the destruction has spread
That we are in trouble with our forests
We are at one with nature, let’s not destroy it anymore
It is such a big, big problem worldwide- an epidemic
I think we should have colder temperatures
All pines are now affected
I never knew the pine beetles were so small
Felt moved by many of the pieces
No matter what the artist paints the outcome is still the same, dead pine trees
A lot has been lost
Moving, beautiful and sad
too late to do much
Loss, pain & sadness & life after devastation
The artists are sad
Some impressions of a “stark” landscape
It is the eye and heart that determines
Management of Tweedsmuir Park should be jailed for economic crime
That it is too bad nothing was done
It has opened my eyes
It is somehow comforting to understand that we are in it together and there is a future for the forest industry after all.
Increasing understanding about reality in the community
Understanding the epidemic
opening doors/ ideas and economic diversification
It should be marketed for building homes etc.
Too negative
I would like to see more positive elements in this display, After all, beetle infestations have been happening for hundreds of years
If you dwell too much on the dark or red, you do not reach out for the light
There’s positive and negative attributes, maybe not just focus on the negative
I want to see the rest of the work at FLESS and the Learning Centre
Beauty everywhere, even in change death, sadness
There is beauty, even in devastation
I am encouraged that there is still beauty seen, and still hope abounding despite the devastation
Hope and renewal
I am amazed at the hope and renewal themes
Such loss left me quite emotional then some art pointed towards hope renewal and regrowth
I’m left with a sense of dramatic loss, with a seed of hope
Life goes on- devastating but beautiful
Through loss there is also hope with the rebirth of new regeneration
devastation, hope It is interesting to see someone else’s perspective
Artists are hopeful
Hope for the future- nature will regenerate
Optimism of people in a time of crisis
It’s good to try and see the positive in a difficult situation
I found it very friendly and enjoyable
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